Augur (REP)

Augur is a prediction market platform built on Ethereum. Augur's purpose is to democratize and decentralize finance by enabling a low-cost global system that allows participants to create and speculate on derivatives at a very low cost with minimal entry barriers. This could include derivatives based on anything from cryptocurrencies and traditional currencies, to traditional stocks and bonds, to sporting event outcomes.


The tokens used on the Augur network are called Rep (short for Reputation). A total of 11 million Rep tokens were distributed in 2015 after a crowdsale, and the Forecast Foundation retained 440,000 tokens (plus crowdsale proceeds) to fund development of the platform.

Development Team

The full team and advisors, consisting of approximately twenty individuals, can be seen on the project's main website. A few key advisors include Vitalik Buterin (Ethereum) and Elizabeth Stark (Lightning Network).

Criticisms, Caveats, and Competitors

This project is not yet functional, and currently, there is no hard date set yet for Augur main launch (expected to happen in 2018).

Additional Resources

The project's main website:

Link to Wikipedia Page:

Link to Reddit Community:

Link to Twitter account:

Link to Team information: (scroll down near bottom)

Link to data on Live Coin Watch:
