Dogecoin (DOGE)

The Doge is a pure cryptocurrency featuring a likeness of the Shiba Inu dog from the "Doge" Internet meme as its logo. Dogecoin was introduced as a "joke currency" at the end of 2013, but after a few years of being nothing more than a fun niche fad and a curiousity, Dogecoin is now starting to gain more mainstream awareness.


Dogecoin uses a Proof of Work (mining) consensus algorithm. There is no limit to how many Dogecoins can be produced, which makes it an inflationary coin. Dogecoin was initially to have a limit of 100 billion coins. In February 2014, Dogecoin founder Jackson Palmer announced that that limit would be removed and there would be no cap, which should have the result of constant reduction of its inflation rate over a long time.

Development Team

The original creator of Dogecoin was developer Billy Markus, and Jackson Palmer provided some initial marketing push. Dogecoin is not currently undergoing active development.

Criticisms, Caveats, and Competitors

Thanks to its initial light-hearted roots, many people don't take Dogecoin very seriously.

Additional Resources

The project's main website:

Link to Wikipedia Page:

Link to Reddit Community:

Link to Twitter account:

Link to Team information: No further development is planned

Link to data on Live Coin Watch:

Whitepaper: N/A