Everex (EVX)

Everex intends to enable users to transfer, borrow, and trade in any fiat currency, anywhere around the globe, with no bank account required. Everex features settlement times of under thirty seconds, transaction costs of a few cents, and hopes to achieve global support.


Everex uses the Ethereum blockchain for all services, allowing clients transparency for Everex transaction processing.

Development Team

Although Everex is somewhat based in Asia (especially Singapore and Thailand), it has a decent-sized and diverse development and advisory team located in quite a few different countries.

Criticisms, Caveats, and Competitors

As with many other payment processing projects, one of Everex's biggest challenges will be integration with traditional fiat banking systems.

Additional Resources

The project's main website: https://www.everex.io

Link to Wikipedia Page: N/A

Link to Reddit Community: https://www.reddit.com/r/Everex

Link to Twitter account: https://twitter.com/everexio

Link to Team information: https://www.everex.io/about-us

Link to data on Live Coin Watch: N/A

Whitepaper: https://daks2k3a4ib2z.cloudfront.net/59157962bdb4300afa8771a9/5963c09d077a520b5a965208_20170710_EVX_WP.pdf (sketchy link, all we have)