Gas (GAS)

The GAS token is used as gas on the Neo platform. Unlike Neo tokens, Gas token can be split into non-integer (decimal) amounts. Certain dapps have different uses for the Gas tokens.


The total eventual supply of gas tokens to be released is exactly equal to the number of Neo tokens to be released (100 million). Persons who stake (hold) Neo coins in certain wallets will slowly earn Gas, just like money deposited into a bank account can earn interest. The Gas that is slowly generated does not go directly into the wallet, but rather, the user eventually needs to click on a button (activating a script) which "claims" the Gas and moves in into the wallet. The release schedule for Gas is spread out over many years, but it is front-loaded so Gas is generated more quickly up front than it will be in future years.

Development Team

This token was created by the same team that developed the Neo platform.

Criticisms, Caveats, and Competitors

We can't really think of any, other than the fact that this token seems to be underutilized in the Neo ecosystem so far.

Additional Resources

The project's main website: (uses Neo's official site)

Link to Wikipedia Page: N/A

Link to Reddit Community: (uses the Neo subreddit)

Link to Twitter account: N/A

Link to Team information: N/A (same team as Neo platform)

Link to data on Live Coin Watch:

Whitepaper: N/A (see Neo whitepaper)