Rchain (RHOC)

Rchain is attempting to build a better blockchain architecture than current products, which can deliver content at the scale of Facebook, and transaction processing at the scale of Visa. In order to achieve this, the project intends to take an approach whereby multiple chains are partitioned/sharded by default, resulting in a network of coordinated and parallel blockchains.


From the FAQ's on the official website: "RHOCs are an Ethereum ERC20 token issued by the Co-op in early 2017 intended as a vehicle for people to get access to the technology. There are 861,185,194 RHOCs in existence. No more will be minted. RHOCs will be 1:1 redeemable for REVs, a future RChain platform native staking token."

Development Team

If you scroll down through the main page on the official website, you'll see several separate sections detailing the officers, the board of directors, and the partners & advisors for the project.

Criticisms, Caveats, and Competitors

This project is still in development, and has not yet moved to a permanent network.

Additional Resources

The project's main website: https://www.rchain.coop

Link to Wikipedia Page: N/A

Link to Reddit Community: https://www.reddit.com/r/RChain

Link to Twitter account: https://twitter.com/rchain_coop

Link to Team information: https://www.rchain.coop/#officers-management-team (and scroll down)

Link to data on Live Coin Watch: https://www.livecoinwatch.com/price/RChain-RHOC

Platform Architecture Paper: http://rchain-architecture.readthedocs.io/en/latest